【同义词辨析】 2020-03-26 疏远estrange-wean

estrange: implies the development of indifference or hostility with consequent loss of sympathy or divorcement: had become ~d from their family after years of neglect.   indifferent无所谓不关心,这里译作冷漠     (hostility敌意suggests strong, open enmity showing itself in attacks or aggression强烈公开的恨意, 导致攻击侵犯,如a history of hostility between the two nations两国间长期的敌意, 如the move underscored the growing mutual mistrust and hostility between the world’s two largest economies这一举动凸现了两个最大经济体之间不断增长的不信任和敌意,如Trump's hostility toward China川普对中国的敌意,如their hostility to all outsiders他们对所有局外人的敌意)  sympathy泛指同情,这里loss of sympathy和indifferent意思相同,都表示"感情疏远"或"冷漠"

alienate: may or may not suggest separation but always implies loss of affection or interest: managed to ~ all her coworkers with her arrogance.   affection喜爱 applies to feelings that are also inclinations or likings是喜欢的感情,如memoirs filled with affection and understanding回忆录充满了理解和喜爱之情,如she felt affection for the wise old lady她很喜欢那个明智的老夫人,如he won a place in her affections他赢得了她芳心的一隅)

disaffect: refer to those from whom loyalty is expected or demanded and stresses the effects, such as rebellion or discontent, of alienation without actual separation: a coup led by ~ed party members.   loyalty忠诚implies faithfulness in the face of any temptation to renounce, desert, or betray指面对诱惑时仍然忠诚,不放弃抛弃背叛,如valued the loyalty of his friends珍视朋友的忠诚,如he remained loyal to the government他仍然效忠政府,如loyal service忠诚的服务)

wean: implies a commendable separation from something on which one is weakly or immaturely dependent: ~ yourself from a bad habit.   commend有2个意思 1、称赞to praise formally or officially正式表扬称赞,如he was commended by the judge for his courageous actions法官赞扬了他的英勇行为  2、 推荐to present as suitable for approval or acceptance; recommend,如I commend her to you without reservation我竭诚向你推荐她,如I can commend it to him as a realistic course of action我可以把这作为一个切实可行的处理方法推荐给他)     比较premature过早的尚未成熟的,不一定是贬义,因为可能是时间未到,immature不成熟的,一定是贬义,在应该成熟的时候不成熟     介词还可以用off或away from,如the doctor tried to wean her off the sleeping pills医生设法让她戒掉安眠药,如they were trying to wean her away from gambling试图让她

estrange疏远: 指变得冷漠甚至有敌意,导致疏远甚至分离,alienate疏远: 不一定分离,但一定不再喜爱或感兴趣,disaffect不满背叛: 用于本应忠诚的人,强调结果如不满背叛,wean戒除断奶: 指值得称道的分离,不再虚弱不成熟地依赖

记忆方法: 1)首字母EADW一滴露珠<==疏远        dew露珠     ""表示"分散,使距离远"。疏是会意字,在篆文中由流的右半边和疋(shū)组成。本意是"清除阻塞使水畅通"。引申为"分散,使距离远",如疏漏疏失疏忽稀疏疏导疏散疏松疏浅,如仗义疏财的字面意思是"秉持正义或义气分散钱财"。形容人和物的关系用生疏,人与人关系用疏远

        2)疏远的意思是不再喜爱不再忠诚mean to cause one to break a bond of affection or loyalty.